
Before you go flying for the first time in the DeltaGlider II, READ THE CHECK-LISTS! They are CRUCIAL to successfully operating your craft. The check-lists are displayed in the CHECK-LIST MFD. You can view this MFD on the lower panel (press CTRL + DOWN ARROW to access it).

The left ("<<<") and right (">>>") buttons on the MFD cycle through each check-list sequentially. You can scroll the currently displayed check-list by using the up or down buttons on the left side of the MFD. To see a list of all available check-lists, press the "MNU" button.

These check-lists are taken from the check_list.txt file located in the "/sound/deltaglider" directory in your Orbiter installation folder, and can be edited as you desire.

Click the link below for a printable html version of all the check-lists:
printable check_list.html