DeltaGliderIII Check-list
1-Ground cockpit startup

-Upper panel:
-ext on
-batt on
-apu start on (wait apu on)
-gen1 on
-gen2 on (wait 80 volt)
-gen bus 1 or 2
-all power on (hud, mfd... etc.)
-ext off
-Close nose and airlock door
-gear hyd press on
-passenger seat belt on
-Strob arm on (strobe light only when speed>0)
-Middle panel:
-main engine gimbal mode comp
-main engine gimbal comp auto
-Lower panel:
-Check fuel
-hover valve on
-main valve on
-rcs valve on
-fuel dump and x-feed off
-Life support panel
-check input press valve off
-check input switch off
-O2/N2 A & B switch AUTO
-cabin recycling A & B all button on.
-ready for take off
-see "ground take-off" checklist
end of checklist

DeltaGliderIII Check-list
2-Docked cockpit startup

-Upper panel:
-ext on
-batt on
-apu start on (wait apu on)
-gen1 on
-gen2 on (wait 80 volt)
-gen bus 1 or 2
-all power on (hud, mfd... etc.)
-Check airlock door closed
-passenger seat belt on
-Strob arm on
-ext off
-Middle panel:
-main engine gimbal mode comp
-main engine gimbal comp auto
-Lower panel:
-Check fuel
-hover valve on
-main valve on
-rcs valve on
-fuel dump and x-feed off
-Life support panel
-check input press valve off
-check input switch off
-O2/N2 A & B switch AUTO
-cabin recycling A & B all button on.
-ready for undocking
end of checklist

DeltaGliderIII Check-list
3-Ground Take-off

-Apply full power
-wait sound "rotate" at 160 m/s
-pull stick
-At 200m GEAR UP
-Upper panel:
-gear hyd press off (lock gear)
-Lower panel:
-Watch fuel during climb
-Disengage turbo pump as soon as in orbit for lowering fuel flow.
-If ascent autopilot
-PRO903SPEC42 (for Iss)
-Or PRO903SPEC90 (for mir)
-Turbo pump on when autopilot message say to ENGAGE.
-wait that the autopilot disengage itself at top of climb
-When In Orbit:
-Life support panel
-O2/N2 B system OFF
-cabin recycling B system all button off.
end of checklist

DeltaGliderIII Check-list

-Upper panel:
-Check nose cone open
-Check airlock pressure 100%
-Check airlock door closed
-ext on
-Open inner and outer airlock
-see "refueling" check-list
-See "Power off cockpit" check-list
end of checklist

DeltaGliderIII Check-list
5-Reentry & deorbiting

-Upper panel:
-Check nose cone closed
-Check airlock door closed
-Life support panel
-O2/N2 A&B system on
-cabin recycling A & B system all button on.
-DISP 2 on Flight computer
-do deorbiting burn
-Lower panel:
-run PRO104SPEC40 prog
-DISP 3 on flight computer
-control the autopilot's setting
with numpad 2-4-5-6-8 (pilot must be RUNNING)
end of checklist

DeltaGliderIII Check-list
6-Undock check-list

-Upper panel:
-Check both airlock door closed
-ext off
-Lower panel:
-check dock input valve off
-Close nose cone
end of checklist

DeltaGliderIII Check-list
7-Ground Refuelling

-Vessel stopped (0 speed)
-Lower panel:
-Fuel hatch open
-wait for fuel truck
-wait for pressure on input valve
-ext input valve open
-fuel selector main or rcs
-when fuelling completed:
-fuel selector off
-ext input valve closed
-Fuel hatch closed
-Wait truck departure before take-off
end of checklist

DeltaGliderIII Check-list
8-Docked Refuelling

-Vessel docked
-Lower panel:
-Fuel hatch open
-wait for pressure on input valve
-dock input valve open
-fuel selector main or rcs
-when fuelling completed:
-fuel selector off
-dock input valve closed
-Fuel hatch closed
end of checklist

DeltaGliderIII Check-list
9-Power off cockpit

-Lower panel:
-All engine cuttof
-hover valve off
-main valve off
-rcs valve off
-fuel dump and x-feed off
-Fuel selector off
-both input valve off
-Fuel hatch closed
-Life support panel
-input valve press off
-input selector off
-cabin recycling A & B system off
-O2/N2 a & b system off
-Middle panel:
-main engine gimbal mode cnt
-main engine gimbal comp lock
-Upper panel:
-If on ground or docked:
-Open nose cone
-Open both airlock door
-gear hyd press off
-passenger seat belt off
-Strob arm off
-all power off (hud, mfd... etc.)
-gen bus off
-gen1 off
-gen2 off (wait 0 volt)
-apu off
-batt off
-ext on (battery charge)
end of checklist

DeltaGliderIII Check-list
10-Emergency power operation

-Upper panel:
-Emergency power cover open
-Emergency power on
-Bus selector, select emergency power
-aknowledge all error
-restart at least vital system:
-Main bus (flight computer)
-displaying time remaining-
-press DISP on flight computer
-press key 4 on keyboard
-look duration value and manage the system (on/off) so you have enough power to come back on earth.
end of checklist

DeltaGliderIII Check-list
11-Flight computer operation

-- Power -- the flight computer is powered by the MAIN BUS button also you cannot load any program if the AP button isn't on. both are on the upper panel.
-- rebooting --
-type "PRO9999" on keyboard
-press EXE or ENT button (if a program is running you must clear it first)
-- system display --
-press "DISP" on keyboard
-choose a display on the menu pressing on a key number
-- running program --
-press "PRO""SPEC" command and "ENT" key to load it (see prog list below) Once loaded press "EXE" and the program will run. Press "STOP" to stop it and "CLR" to unload it. If a program is loaded you cannot type more key it will display the prog page. (but you can still use "DISP" to display system)
-- program available --
pro200spec 0 Killrot
pro200spec 1 prograde
pro200spec 2 retrograde
pro200spec 3 normal
pro200spec 4 antinormal
pro200spec 5 hlevel
pro200spec 6 holdalt
pro104spec 40 reentry pilot
pro903spec 42 ascent autopilot (for iss)
pro903spec 90 ascent autopilot (for mir) or any heading following
ABOUT ASCENT AUTOPILOT The ascent autopilot is finished you may get Ecc as low as 0.0004 To use it, load the KCS scenery take off, wait at least a speed of 220 and load & execute PRO903SPEC42. Whatch your vessel smoothly following the path. Engage the turbo when the message from the autopilot say to ENGAGE turbo pump.
-you can change AOA hold and bank setting while pressing on numpad key
2-4-5-6-8. (autopilot must be RUNNING) See doc for reentry.
end of checklist

DeltaGliderIII Check-list
12-Flight computer keyboard key

You can use your real keyboardfor entry, see the key below.
0-9 = 0-9 (upper keyboard)P= PRO S= SPEC E= EXE SPACE= STOP C= CLEAR D= DISP RETURN=ENT (not numpad)