Modifying scenarios to recover a dead crew or refuel:

There will be some situations as you fly the DeltaGlider 2 where you want to recover a dead crew, or refuel an empty fuel tank. It can be frustrating, after billions of kilometers of travel, to have to restart a mission at the last minute just because you made a small mistake! If you need to do either of these things, here's how:

1- Open the "Current state" scenario with Notepad

First, quit Orbiter completely; it will save your current state. Then go to Orbiter's "Scenarios" directory and open the (Current state).scn file with a text editor (Notepad).

2- To recover a dead crew

Find the lines like the ones in bold below (in this example we have five dead crew)

PilotName John Doe
PilotAge 35
BasePilotPulse 0.0000
Passenger1Name John Doe1
Passenger1Age 42
Passenger1BasePulse 0.0000
Passenger2Name John Doe2
Passenger2Age 37
Passenger2BasePulse 0.0000
Passenger3Name John Doe3
Passenger3Age 37
Passenger3BasePulse 0.0000
Passenger4Name John Doe4
Passenger4Age 37
Passenger4BasePulse 0.0000

Change the "BasePulse" value (base heart rate) of the passengers or pilot you want to recover to about 60-80, as in the example below:

PilotName John Doe
PilotAge 35
BasePilotPulse 66.0000
Passenger1Name John Doe1
Passenger1Age 42
Passenger1BasePulse 70.0000
Passenger2Name John Doe2
Passenger2Age 37
Passenger2BasePulse 72.0000
Passenger3Name John Doe3
Passenger3Age 37
Passenger3BasePulse 75.0000
Passenger4Name John Doe4
Passenger4Age 37
Passenger4BasePulse 67.0000

Save the scenario and launch Orbiter; choose the "Current state" scenario. You'll have your crew back.

3- Refueling

Find the value PRPLEVEL of the DeltaGliderIII in the saved scenario as shown below:

STATUS Orbiting Earth
RPOS -4623342.08 -3966149.40 1866597.21
RVEL -380.439 292.651 -316.969
AROT 92.83 41.40 -105.19
VROT 0.13 0.00 -0.00
PRPLEVEL 0:0.000 1:0.000

The value next to the 0: is the MAIN tank and the value next to the 1: is the RCS tank.
I f you want to replenish both tanks completely, change the line to read:
PRPLEVEL 0:1.000 1:1.000

A ny intermediate value is possible as well. Below is an example of a 50% tank refuel:
PRPLEVEL 0:0.500 1:0.500

Save the scenario and launch Orbiter, again choosing the "Current state" scenario. You'll be refueled and ready to continue on your mission!